Life: everyone is going through it…some way, some how

A.E. Raven
6 min readJun 21, 2021

I, am a millennial. The butt of all other generations’ current jokes, the scourge of society (although some may say we are supposed to be the salvation), The either too vocal, or too silent. The adults who are now inheriting generation X and Y’s world have often been told we can do anything we want; if we try real hard we can be anything when we’re grown up. For some, this way of thinking led to much success and great influences on the world, (I cant think of any at this current point but you know their are lots of people trying and succeeding at making a difference out there). For many - it created a chaos, a disruption, a gross level of entitlement that had never ever been seen in a generation… except for the previous one, and the one before that, and the one before that. Something emerged in society from this; something unlike anything the previous 2–3 generations ever considered possible… multiple careers, multiple lifestyles or at least a more dynamic one in the same life...not necessarily a bad thing or an original thing, but certainly a turn of events that our parents and grandparents did not see coming.

When associating your overall essence or consciousness with the time you were born and the age old question, “what do I want when I grow up?”, we often were told that we had to choose to be one thing… but many of us have come to realize we are many things to the world and that our choices should not always revolve around the pillars of an antiquated society: go to school, get a job, find a partner, buy a house, have children and grow old together and die… I’m an adult now and I still do not know if the current path I am on is the one that will make me THE MOST fulfilled or satisfied in the future. But, I know WE (yes, you and me), have the power to ensure that we are satisfied and fulfilled as travelers in this plane of existence for all our lives. One way to do this is by realizing the power of intention and labeling yourself and others.

It is labels that limit us, for when we label something or someone or some feeling or some action we give a power to that label. Words/communications/intentions have so much power, and it is unfortunate that many people do not appreciate the power that they have on ourselves and others. If only we knew the extent of influence our thoughts and feelings that become conveyed through language have on others.

Now, some people may get this far and understand where I am coming from and some may not. So I will pose this question to you, the reader, listener, consumer… When someone acknowledges you in public or at home, with a phrase like “Hello, how are you today?”, or “Hey! I am so happy to see you!” Do you reflect and realize that that person made a conscious decision to engage in conversation with you and to ask you how you were doing or to tell you they are happy to see you? That person’s mind, essence, consciousness, soul etc., recognized something within you that was also within itself, and reached out to you to connect their intention with your own? How special is that? Even random encounters with strangers have changed my emotional compass for a day.

In contrast however, someone could be rude or negative towards you and that could make you feel awful. A criticism, comment, coarse language or an aggressive action from someone or some thing may derail your current emotional process and infect you with a darker more sinister, more salty or rotten emotion. How many times have you experienced this and how many are remembering the feeling of those emotions even now as you read them? Better yet, how many are associating with a guilty feeling from realizing they contributed to the negative emotional phenomenon someone had because of how one behaved or acted? Now do not misunderstand, I am not here to say we should always be positive and kind. We would be robots if that were the case…perfect fleshy biologic robots, built and controlled by the dark syndicate of global leaders who don’t want us to know that this life is just a simulation!, But I digress..

(Side Bar: get used to these tiny random rants, because they will pop up from time to time.)

No- being 100% positive and kind would be unnatural and if anything, inhuman. However it is important to understand how we affect our world and how our world affects us. So when you’re walking through your office building, bougie apartment building, ramshackle house, mansion or just a freaking store and someone is coming to use the door behind you- HODOR for them. Make eye contact with them, set your intention to “hey here you go fellow being. I did this for you”, and see how the other person reacts. I can almost guarantee you will get a reaction. Or fuck it, be nasty and slam the door on the person’s face, tell them they’re slow, fat and smelly and you do not want to be kind or courteous today because you got into a fight with your partner, or you are late for work, or your car got a flat tire, or SOME MINOR inconvenience that happened to you previously gives you the right to be a complete trash bag version of yourself to someone else because fuck them and fuck society… if that is really going to make you feel better then fine. Be that as it may, I swear I am not bitter about that gentleman not holding the elevator for me to get into work the other day.

I do know that that satisfaction of being negative towards another person in that situation or any situation only lasts for a fleeting moment before you’re now absorbed by the negativity that you just unleashed or that you thinking you purged it from your system. I am sure that gentleman did not hear me or see me as he entered the elevator and made direct eye contact with me as I said, “Could you please hold the elevator?”. He was honestly probably lost in thought about some project, or responsibility he had that was looming over his brain because it was important to him or important for his family that he remember to stop at the grocery store on his way home from work. Or maybe he was just focusing on breathing and being alive because he tied one off the night before with his partner or old friends who he had not seen in years, and thus reflecting on either an amazing night of titillating sexual pleasure or a rowdy night with the fellas. But I digress.

It is important to realize that we are all human, imperfect fleshy meat based beings with unique emotions, thought processes, behaviors and actions. We cannot control or fully comprehend or understand what other people do or feel, but we can acknowledge our own intentions and processes and how they are transmitted through our behaviors and actions. So if you’re feeling positive about something, be sure to share it in some way shape or form with someone because that intention is contagious. If you’re feeling upset about something or perhaps in a negative space, try to understand where that is coming from. Once we acknowledge the source of that feeling, we can begin to explore or investigate it, let it know its okay to feel that way and then go rage to some melodic deathcore music in your car on your way to the sweat factory that you pick up and put down heavy objects for enjoyment and emotional release…or however else people destress these days…but I digress.

People: this is the only thing we are really entitled to be, and that is human, try to be kinder to yourself and others, or don’t, and see how far that gets you. If it gets you far please contact me so I can learn to understand how you feel about yourself and if I can even consider if I want to be it or not.



A.E. Raven

Nothing is ever as it seems. As it seems to me, everything is also nothing.